Hekan kesätöiden hakuaika on alkanut! Tänäkin vuonna meillä on haussa kymmeniä kesätyökavereita kiinteistönhoitoon, siivoukseen ja toimistolle.

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Hello! Did you know that Heka has English-​language website?

Heka has comprehensive English-language websites where you can find a lot of information about Heka and living in a Heka apartment.

03.1.2024 16:16

Our English-language website provides comprehensive advice on maintaining your apartment and the use of common spaces, as well as instructions on purchasing additional housing services, and managing housing-related changes and problems. Each of our properties has its own page that describes the property’s features and services. 

We also provide instructions on applying for housing and changing apartments. On our website, you can read news concerning Heka and the articles in our resident magazine Hima

The majority of housing-related matters can be managed most conveniently at our Resident Portal , where you can log in at the top of the site. If necessary, you can also contact our customer service by phone or visit our customer service point in Alppila.  

Heka’s English-language website can be found at www.hekaoy.fi/en or by choosing English in language selection.