Finnish TV channels will transition to HD broadcasts starting in spring 2025. So-called standard-definition broadcasts of Yle will end on March 31, 2025, in both antenna and cable TV networks. At the same time, technical changes will be made in Telia cable TV network between April 1–4, 2025, which may cause temporary interruptions in TV channels.

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Yard areas

The building’s common yard areas are intended for all residents to use. However, please conduct yourself according to the general rules and good manners. The building committee can purchase flowers and planter boxes in yard for the summer, for example.

The general rules include regulations regarding the yard areas.

  • Keep your pets on a leash in the yard area and ensure that they do not damage the greenery in the yard.
  • Feeding birds and other wild animals is prohibited because the food will also attract rats and other pests to the yard.
  • Please use the bins for any waste. Throwing cigarettes on the ground or the yard from your balcony is prohibited.
  • Washing and servicing cars is only permitted in the designated areas.
  • Allow other residents to have their peace. Avoid noise and other disruptive activities especially between 10 pm and 7 am.
  • It is prohibited to camp in the yard area.

Play areas

The play equipment in the yard areas is intended for small children. Other fixtures or equipment in the yard are not suitable for play. Instruct your children on the correct access routes, play areas and the ways to navigate and play in the yard. Lawns are not suitable play areas because they are easily damaged. Walking on bush patches should also be avoided to prevent damaging the bushes. Ball games are allowed in the yard but not in the parking areas or in the immediate vicinity of windows.

Do not leave small children alone without sufficient supervision.

If you notice something wrong with the play equipment, submit a defect notification immediately. Pets are not permitted in the play areas

Shared yards

In some densely-built areas, housing companies may have shared yards, the maintenance of which is organised on a case-by-case basis. For example, if you need to submit a defect notification regarding a shared yard, ask our customer service, who is responsible for maintaining the shared yard.

Hoisting the flag

Heka takes care of hoisting the flag on official and established dates.

If a resident orders the flag to be hoisted, we charge a fee in accordance with our service price list. A fee is not charged for flying a flag half-mast to mourn a loss.

Planter boxes

The building committee may notify the property manager of the residents’ interest to obtain planter boxes for the yard. The positioning of the boxes in the yard is agreed upon with Heka maintenance, a greenery consultant and the building committee through a joint review. Once this has been done, Heka will order the boxes and other supplies and agree on their delivery.

The costs of the planter boxes are covered with the appropriations for resident activities. The building committee obtains the seeds, saplings and other useful plants as well as handles the installation of the boxes. The building committee appoints a responsible person to take care of the cleanliness of the boxes. If the boxes are not maintained or they accumulate junk, Heka will have to remove them. Plants must be watered with a can instead of a hose. The place for picking up water must be agreed with the maintenance personnel. For more detailed instructions on the planter boxes, please contact your property manager.

Bird boxes and bug hotels

It is permitted to install bird boxes and bug hotels in the yard areas of Heka buildings. Bird boxes and bug hotels provide a habitat for birds and insects which are gradually losing their natural living environments.

Heka does not contribute to the procurement of bird boxes, bug hotels or the related costs. The residents are responsible for installing the bird boxes.

The location for the bird boxes or bug hotel must always be determined together with a Heka representative. They must not be placed in the immediate vicinity of a balcony or window. Bird boxes may not be attached to the structures of a property.  Residents are responsible for the installation and must conduct it safely according to the instructions provided by BirdLife, for example.

Bird feeding is not permitted in this context either.