If you have received a letter from Heka regarding the Lease agreement harmonisation, please provide your contact information via the link below. Contact details are only required from those Heka tenants who have received the letter but have not yet submitted their contact information.

Submit your contact information

Our tenant survey has been sent

Every year, Heka surveys its residents’ satisfaction with its housing services and resident activities through a tenant survey. We use the results to develop our housing services.

16.9.2024 14:33

We will email a random selection of 20,000 of our residents this week with an invitation to respond to the survey and instructions on how to do so. The survey can be answered by anyone registered in the dwelling in question, or by all of them together. The survey is open until 29 September 2024.

The survey is carried out by the independent research company Roidu Oy. The survey distributed by email will not come from Heka’s email address. Instead, the sender of the invitation will be hekaoy-survey@roidu.com.

We will publish the results of the survey on our website as soon as they are available.