If you have received a letter from Heka regarding the Lease agreement harmonisation, please provide your contact information via the link below. Contact details are only required from those Heka tenants who have received the letter but have not yet submitted their contact information.

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We will start sending debt collection text messages to tenants who have started accumulating rental debt

As of October, Heka will start sending out debt collection text messages about unpaid rent.

07.10.2024 10:13

The purpose of the debt collection text messages is to diversify our communications regarding rent payment problems.

With the text messages, our aim is to more quickly and effectively reach tenants who have started to accumulate rental debt so that their rent payment can be sorted out. In addition to text messages, we will continue to contact you by phone, email, and letters in case of issues with rent payments.

Who will the text messages be sent to?

The text messages will be sent each month to all Heka tenants living in the north area who have rental debt. The debt collection text messages are being implemented in the north area first because tenants in this area have the most problems with rent payment. Later, the text messages will be implemented in all Heka areas.

Furthermore, the text messages will be sent regardless of location and residential area to all Heka tenants who have

  • less than EUR 20 of unpaid rent
  • rental debt corresponding to two months’ rent
  • rental debt corresponding to four deductibles remaining after the allowances paid by Kela.

We will be sending the debt collection text messages to the phone numbers included in our tenant records. Tenants can update their contact details in the Heka Resident Portal. In cases where an apartment has more than one main tenant, the text message will only be sent to one of the main tenants.

If a tenant does not pay their rental debt or make a payment agreement after receiving a debt collection text message, Heka will send them a traditional collection letter. We will charge the tenant a collection fee for the collection letter, but not for the text message.

How do I recognise a debt collection text message sent by Heka?

The sender of the text message will be Heka. The message is in Finnish.

The text message will instruct the tenant to check their amount of debt and payment information and contact us via the Resident Portal.

The text message cannot be replied to.

Heka will not provide payment information or include the amount of unpaid rent in the text message, and the text message will not include any links. The text messages do not contain personal data.

What should I do if I have trouble paying my rent?

Read more about what you can do if you have trouble paying your rent.