Use of cookies on the Heka website

Read about the use of cookies on our website.

What are cookies? 

Cookies are small text files that contain letters and numbers and are stored on your computer or device. Cookies are set when you visit a website that uses cookies. Cookies can be used to track pages you visit, to help you pick up where you left off and to remember your preferences, such as language settings. 

By using our website, you consent to the use of cookies to the extent you choose. Below is an overview of the effects of not accepting cookies. 

Why do we use cookies? 

We use cookies and other similar technology that enables interactive customer service through our chat service. In addition, with the help of cookies, we can monitor the use of our website and provide better customer service on our website. 

The information will not be used to identify individuals.  

Validity of cookies 

Session cookies are only stored on the terminal device for the duration of use of the website or service and are removed from the device when the browser is closed. Session cookies enable functionalities for which the website needs to remember information about the user’s activities in the short term. 

Persistent cookies are stored on the device for a longer period of time, up to the time specified in the cookies or until they are deleted by the user. Such cookies can be used, for example, to remember your preferences regarding the layout or language of the site or your login credentials and/or password. For example, it is possible to use persistent cookies to determine whether you have used the site in the past or to collect information about how you navigate the site or what content you have used. 

What kinds of cookies do we use? 


These cookies are crucial for the functionality of the Heka website. They are needed for security purposes and to support certain functions, such as remembering visitors’ preferences (e.g. language). This way, we ensure that the website works as intended. 

Performance and functional cookies 

We use these cookies to collect information about the use of the Heka website on a general level. These cookies can be used to optimise the website based on how visitors use Heka’s services; for example, which pages are visited most often or which forms or news items are viewed by most visitors. 


These cookies enable third-party functions, such as videos and customer service features.  

Examples of the cookies we use 


We monitor the number of visitors and the ways in which the website is used with the Matomo tracking tool, and we use the data to develop our website.  


We use embedded videos implemented on YouTube for communication. The videos use cookies to collect statistical information, such as the number of views.  

Possibility to block cookies completely  

You can use your browser to manage the extent to which you consent to the use of cookies. If you want to remove cookies, see your browser settings. Blocking the use of cookies may affect the functionality of the website or parts of the website, in which case some functions of the service may not work as intended.