Finnish TV channels will transition to HD broadcasts starting in spring 2025. So-called standard-definition broadcasts of Yle will end on March 31, 2025, in both antenna and cable TV networks. At the same time, technical changes will be made in Telia cable TV network between April 1–4, 2025, which may cause temporary interruptions in TV channels.

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Price list

See the prices for our services, such as cutting new keys and opening doors. Also see our sauna and parking space fees.

Prices include 25,5% VAT, unless otherwise stated.

Heka damage price list

The tenant is liable to compensate for any breakages and other damage that has been caused intentionally or negligently. Costs resulting from normal wear to the apartment are not charged to the tenant.

If the repair work needs to be extended (e.g. for technical or cost reasons), the tenant will only be charged for their share. The tenant has the opportunity to repair any defects or deficiencies they have caused in the apartment, or have them repaired during their tenancy. The remuneration responsibility will be removed when a representative of Heka has approved the measures taken.

Alteration work to apartments cannot be ordered through Heka, thus the price list does not apply when having alteration work carried out.

The price list is valid until further notice.

Heka damage price list in pdf: