Finnish TV channels will transition to HD broadcasts starting in spring 2025. So-called standard-definition broadcasts of Yle will end on March 31, 2025, in both antenna and cable TV networks. At the same time, technical changes will be made in Telia cable TV network between April 1–4, 2025, which may cause temporary interruptions in TV channels.

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Building safety activity

The building safety activities are organised in cooperation by the residents, Heka staff and rescue authorities with the aim of ensuring the safety and functionality of each residential building and yard area. 

In Heka properties, the building safety activities are led by the building safety officers and the safety team.  

The resident meeting elects the building safety officer and a deputy. Moreover, a caretaker and deputy are selected for the civil defence shelter of each property.  

The regional safety teams are assembled from the safety officers of the locations. There can be several safety teams in the areas. The decisions on the operating area and composition of each safety team are made by Heka. Every safety team elects a team leader from among its members. 

In any safety questions, you should primarily contact the safety officer of your building. If one has not been elected, you can present your questions to the person in charge of safety at Heka. As a general rule, however, you should submit defect notifications through Heka’s website or by calling your property’s defect notification number.