Kaivonkatsojantie 3, Kallahti

Street addresses Kaivonkatsojantie 3, Kaivonkatsojantie 9
Identification number 3013
Location-specific services
  • Lift
  • Club room
  • Playground in the yard
  • Carpet washing room/machine
  • Shared laundry room
  • Shared sauna
Apartment information
  • Apartment-specific ventilation unit, electricity not included in the rent
  • Comfort floor heating, electricity not included in the rent
  • Balconies
  • Broadband connection included in the rent
Building information
  • Year of completion 1994 - 1995
  • Number of buildings 4
  • Stories 5 - 6
  • Type of building: Apartment building
  • Other repairs: kitchen 2019
Smoking bans
  • Smoking is prohibited in apartments with a lease starting from 1 June 2018.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the outdoor areas of apartments with a lease starting from 1 January 2021.
  • Smoking is prohibited by the building rules of conduct in all Heka locations’ shared facilities as well as yard and parking areas, except for any smoking area designated by Heka.