Finnish TV channels will transition to HD broadcasts starting in spring 2025. So-called standard-definition broadcasts of Yle will end on March 31, 2025, in both antenna and cable TV networks. At the same time, technical changes will be made in Telia cable TV network between April 1–4, 2025, which may cause temporary interruptions in TV channels.

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Resident activity appropriations

Heka grants an appropriation for resident activities which the resident committee (formerly building committee) can use for various purposes, such as small purchases for the yard area or club room as well as joint celebrations and bees for the residents. Through resident meetings, you can influence how your building’s resident activity appropriations are used.

The appropriation can also be used to purchase seasonal plants, the instructions for which are available on this page. 

Use of the appropriations 

The size of the appropriation depends on the number of apartments in the property. You can check your building’s appropriation in the tables provided below.  

The use of the appropriations is decided in the resident meeting. Anyone living in the property can participate in the planning, implementation of ideas and decision-making. The exact amounts to be used for a specific purpose do not need to be known at the tenant meeting. The most important thing is that the allocation of money for different purposes has been discussed together. 

The document template for a property action plan, which is available at, can be used for assistance in planning the use of the appropriation. 

The use of the appropriation is reported to Heka once a year and is also presented to the tenant meeting.   

Additional funding can be requested for the building’s milestone anniversary celebrations up to a maximum equivalent of the amount of the annual basic appropriation. Should a milestone anniversary celebration be relevant, it is good to discuss it at the resident meeting.  

Purchasing seasonal plants and supplies  

The resident committee can use the appropriations to purchase seasonal plants and relevant supplies for the yard areas. These instructions can help you to bring colour and greenery to your building’s yards.  

Instructions for purchasing seasonal plants 

For any purchase agreed on by the resident committee, a purchase commitment must be requested from the property manager, printed out and brought along to the shop. The purchase commitment can be requested from the property manager via The Resident Portal. Indicate the location for which you will be purchasing plants and an estimated price for the plants and supplies. 

The instructions below only apply to seasonal plants and supplies purchased for planter boxes and containers in yard areas with the appropriations granted by Heka resident committees. 

It is a good idea to choose plants that are durable and suitable for various growing conditions in the yard areas. The plant retailer can provide guidance in selecting the plants as well as instructions on planting and caring for them. Please bear in mind that poisonous plants are not suitable for common yard areas.  

Seasonal plants and supplies can be purchased in the following alternative ways:  

  • A representative of the resident committee purchases the seasonal plants at a shop. A purchase commitment from Heka is brought along to the shop and presented at the cash desk. Plants can be bought within a purchasing limit agreed in advance. At the shop, the representative selects the seasonal plants for the yard. The representative is also responsible for transporting the plants to the location.  
  • The building committee or its representative orders the plants by e-mail. The plant retailer collects the ordered products for pickup or delivery. The purchase commitment is delivered as an attachment to the electronic order.  
  • The plant retailer may have a delivery service that is used when necessary for products that are either ordered or picked out at the shop. The resident representative and plant retailer must agree on the delivery service separately. Delivery takes place on weekdays 9 am–6 pm.  

You can freely select one of Heka’s contracted shops listed below.   

Contracted shops, agreed discounts and delivery service